Get to Know About Us - Our Visions - Dr Jyotika Gupta - Holistic Heath & Healing

About Healing Presence
HEALING PRESENCE is a Holistic Healing Centre in Jaipur (Rajasthan) India.
We at Healing Presence facilitate people in exploring their inner dimensions and opening up to have more consciousness, ease, joy, abundance and greater possibilities in life. Our intention is to be a contribution to people in their healing journey and creating the life they truly desire. We empower them with powerful healing tools and techniques with which they can heal themselves and help others heal in a holistic way (Mind- Body-Soul). We help people become aware of and transcend their limiting beliefs and open their heart and mind to embrace greater possibilities. What if you could start operating as the powerful, magnificent, magical, infinite being you truly are, and create the miracles that you know are possible! We love to be a contribution to you and facilitate you in reaching your highest potential with Ease Joy & Glory!
To spread awareness about, Holistic Health Care & Healing. Letting people know that their health & well being is in their own hands. They can improve their quality of life by going within.
To empower people with simple Self help & Healing techniques, with which they can handle their issues & life’s challenges with ease.
To provide quality Training, Guidance & Support to people who would like to take up healing as a profession. To guide & support healers in sharpening their skills and gaining confidence in their abilities. Help them uncover their unique strengths & gifts in this area.
To facilitate healers in their own healing & spiritual growth- Heal The Healer!
To spread awareness among doctors about Holistic Health Care & Healing. Encourage doctors to adopt an Integrated Approach in Health Care, which combines conventional medicine & healing modalities to take care of the person as a whole, at all levels : Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Energy & Consciousness.
To make healing services available to all strata of society and Truly be a Healing Presence!
About Dr Jyotika Gupta
Founder Healing Presence
Dr Jyotika Gupta is a Holistic Doctor with more than a decade of experience in Holistic Health Care and Healing. She is an allopathic doctor with post graduate training in anaesthesia and experience in critical care. She is adept in various healing modalities and employs a holistic approach (body-mind- soul) to deal with any issue in life. She specializes in diagnosing and healing the subconscious, metaphysical causes behind diseases and issues in life. She is skilled in uncovering the hidden dynamics within family & restoring love harmony and balance within family systems. She is also known for her gentle loving nurturing healing touch as she conducts body healing sessions to create magical shifts in your body. She is loved admired and respected for her depth of understanding, wisdom, love, kindness, care, nurturing, unwavering support & being there for anyone who reaches out to her. A great guide and mentor in her field. She has a gift of making even the toughest concepts easy to understand in a light hearted way. Truly a Healing Presence!

About Holistic Health & Healing
Healing the Body Mind & Soul
A human being has a Physical Body, Mind and Soul. Holistic healing considers the human being as a whole while dealing with any issue. It aims at restoring balance & well being in all aspects of a person’s life - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, relationships, work, environment, social. As we go through life’s journey, our soul remains a neutral observer and provides energy to create whatever we want. The mind acts as the blueprint/ mold in which our physical reality takes shape. All suffering is created unconsciously at the level of mind and is manifested in our physical reality. Generally, when we face problems in our physical reality we only look outside for their causes and try to fix them with logic, reasoning, analysis and physical measures. This is required, but it can only give us partial and temporary relief. The root cause of problem which lies within the depths of our mind in the form of subconscious thoughts, emotions, beliefs, conditionings, karmic patterns etc. remains untouched. To address these metaphysical causes, we need to turn inwards and take our inner journey of self awareness. We at Healing Presence help you in becoming aware of these metaphysical causes behind your issues and guide you to deal with them in a much empowered and constructive manner.
Human beings are spiritual beings who have come to earth for a human experience. Which involves the experience of duality ie. day/night , pain/pleasure ,success/failure, etc. We are meant to flow through all kinds of experiences smoothly and evolve in the process. But, this does not happen because our instinctive response is to avoid and resist painful situations & desire and hold on to pleasurable situations. This creates suffering. Every situation in your life is there for a reason and has something in it for you. We help you discover your gifts & learning from each situation.