Power of Thoughts and Words

“Your mind is a garden,
Your thoughts are the seeds
You can grow flowers or
You can grow weeds”
The words that you speak and the thoughts that you think are very powerful energies that create your reality. They have the potential to heal , destroy or create your desired reality. Whether you say the words aloud or silently within yourself, whether you are consciously aware of your thoughts or not, they are still influencing your reality profoundly. You are the creator of your reality and you do it by your thoughts, words & actions.
“Watch your thoughts, they become words
Watch your words, they become actions
Watch your actions, they become habits
Watch your habits, they become character
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny”
- Lao Tzu
If you do not like something that you see in your reality, just pause for a moment and observe your thoughts about that thing, the words that you speak about it. You have the power to create what you want with your intention, thoughts, words and action. Success is achieved when your thoughts, words and actions are in alignment with your intention. Most of the time we do not get desired results because, our thoughts words and actions are not in alignment with our intention. For example: If you want to lose weight, then thoughts like- If I am thin people will consider me weak/ If I loose weight I will look beautiful and become vulnerable to nuisance from men, are misaligned thoughts. Saying statements like "whatever I try I don't lose weight / Even air makes me fat" are examples of misaligned words (that become self fulfilling prophecy). Not taking care of your diet and not exercising are examples of misaligned actions.
Difference between Our Affirmations & Positive Thinking:
Our Affirmations heal the core thoughts, beliefs, fears and subconscious energetic blocks creating issues in your life. They are not just positive thinking or wishful statements to make you feel good or lift your spirit. For example, if you are struggling with money and in lot of debt, then statements like “I am a money magnet or I am getting richer every day, may just be a feel good or wishful thinking statement for you. It may or may not give you the desired results. Moreover they do not address the actual cause behind your money challenges.
The word ‘affirmation’ literally means the act of confirming something to be true. It is a written or oral, positive statement, asserting/ declaring something to be true. Affirmations as we refer to them are Healing Thoughts! They are positive statements that have the capacity to heal. They clear deep rooted fears, misaligned thoughts, core beliefs and emotions from your subconscious mind that are creating suffering, limitations and imbalance in your life. Using Affirmations on a daily basis helps you to respond to people & situations in a constructive manner and create positive changes in life with ease. The affirmations we give are specially designed for you and based on your energies at present.
How to use these Affirmations?
Affirmation -The 'Healing Thought' needs to be placed in the subconscious mind to give desired results. This can be done by many ways, easiest is writing it down. You can also type it or say it repeatedly throughout the day- specially just before sleeping. Writing an affirmation is like the process of putting the seed of your desired fruit tree within the soil of your subconscious mind. Writing an affirmation 21 times daily for 21 days creates a new neuropathway in your mind. Now, as you face the same situation again you have the option to respond differently utilizing this new neuropathway. Mind always chooses the path of least resistance and as you choose to consciously walk on this new pathway you create a new reality for yourself. You stop watering the weeds in your life's garden and start nurturing the seed of your desired fruit tree.
TYPES OF AFIRMATIONS - General / Issue Specific
A General Affirmation contributes in enhancing your overall well being and improving the quality of your life. It balances and heals your subtle energetic bodies so that more cosmic energy is available to you in everyday activities. Your thoughts and energies align with your divine life plan, bringing success in life.
An Issue Specific Affirmation heals the sub-conscious metaphysical causes of any issue. Using the affirmation as advised clears the sub-conscious blocks and thought patterns creating that issue in your life. It brings about positive shifts in your energies so that you are able to handle the situation/ issue in a constructive and effective manner.
Begin your Self healing with these simple healing affirmations!
Get Personal Healing Affirmations for Yourself, Your Family and Friends
Call us @9828229391 between 5-6pm IST Monday to Friday
Charges: Rs 250/- (10usd for outside India) per affirmation
We require the following details for designing Personalized Affirmations
1) Full Name 2) Email id 3) Phone Number- preferably whatsapp number
4) For Issue Specific Affirmation: Kindly tell us about the issue in short
The Affirmation and how to use it instructions will be sent on your email
(Max within 7-10days after receiving payment)
Dr Jyotika Gupta regularly posts Chakra Healing Affirmations for all Zodiac Signs every month on Facebook & Instagram. Many people have used these affirmations to bring about great positive shifts in their life!