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Body's natural way of healing itself 



With Dr Jyotika Gupta

In-person / Online

Duration: 30-45 mins

Charges: Rs 800/-  (20 USD for Outside India)

(First session Free for fibromyalgia patients)


For online consultation we will require you to send the pictures of your Face , tongue and any other areas of concern for examination. Instructions for clicking pictures will be told at the time of booking appointment.


Book an appointment:

Call us @ 9828229391

Between 5-6pm IST, Mon to Fri

Prior appointment required!


"Nature is the biggest healer

allow her Magic

into your life!"

-Dr Jyotika Gupta

“You can trace every sickness, every disease and

every ailment to a mineral deficiency”

- Dr. Linus Pauling

(2 times Nobel Prize Winner)



“The lack of minerals is the root of all disease”

- Dr. Gary Todd



“The body is a self curing mechanism, and will maintain its efficiency provided it has a normal supply of all those elements particular to its own substance”

- Eric Powell


Dr. Wilhelm. H. Schuessler

Founder of Biochemic System of Medicine

What are Tissue Salts?

Tissue Salts also known as Cell Salts are inorganic mineral components of our body. Since they are concerned with biochemistry of life, the word biochemic is added to them. They are the same minerals that are found in earth’s rocks and soil. They work at the cellular level, catalyse various processes and assist in rebalancing the cellular system. They can be considered as cell food! Their main role is in maintenance of health rather than treating disease. There are 12 basic tissue salts which include forms of calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, and silica. A proper balance between them is necessary for proper functioning of cell and thus the body. Our immunity to disease also depends on this balance.


How are tissue salt deficiencies diagnosed?

Signs of tissue salt deficiencies are easily visible on face and tongue. However for proper diagnosis and treatment we needs to consider many aspects like: details of physical and emotional symptoms, observing signs of deficiency in face and tongue, characteristics of body discharges and noting the aggravating and relieving factors.


Points to remember about Tissue Salts:

  • Tissue Salts are Remedies not cures

  • Tissue Salts are not drugs, they are normal constituents of our body

  • Main role of tissue salts is in maintenance of Health rather than treating disease

  • Tissue salts correct body functions at cellular level

  • Tissue salts can be safely used by people of all ages and sex

  •  Even pregnant females, elderly, children and animals can use them safely

  • They are not habit forming

  • There is no fear of toxicity / side effects with usage of tissue salts

  • Tissue salts are not a substitute for taking proper diet having a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, water...

  • Tissue salts are not a substitute for conventional medical treatment, they are complimentary to it

  • They can be safely used along with your allopathic treatment


* Please inform your doctor if you add tissue salts to your treatment plan!

* Please continue other medicines as advised by your doctor

* Do not stop or make any alterations in them on your own

* In case of emergency, severe condition and no/ insignificant relief with tissue salts,

  please go to a hospital without wasting time and consult your doctor! 



Do you know that you have a ‘birthday tissue salt’? You should take it on a regular basis specially in your birth month and at times of stress to maintain health and vitality. It has been seen that people born under a particular zodiac sign tend to get depleted in a particular tissue salt in the process of dealing with any kind of stress. In your first consultation with Dr Jyotika Gupta she will tell you about your birth salts!



(To honour the privacy of our clients we have not disclosed their names)


  • MIRACLE RELIEF ! Dear Jyotika, It was my first experiment with salts for relief in pain. Thanks for the same. I happen to be at her place. Had terrible pain in my right thigh muscles. It had become  painful getting off bed, could not get up from floor without support. She suggested some salts, two doses gave me indication of some relief & I agreed for further intake as directed by her. By the end of next day pain from thigh part was cured 90%. Today it has fainted(4thday). Though some leg areas as heel & some knee portions have little pain left, which according to Dr. Jyotika shall go away. I had consulted senior doctors at fortis but could not be cured. Thanks once again to Jyotika & her salt therapy. Wish you all the success in the life ahead. Lots of love!


  • I have been suffering from varicose veins for the past 19 years in my left leg. Lately my right leg too became very strained & I discovered that varicose veins had started in this leg as well. Gradually, when my feet, especially the ankle region, started feeling lifeless with pain, I happened to consult Dr. Jyotika Gupta, who prescribed some Biochemic medicines. From about 4th day since she started the treatment, I started feeling a lot better with the aches & pains in my feet & legs having reduced by about 80%, making me feel more energetic. This boosted my confidence in the administered/prescribed medicines and I am hopeful of the treatment doing wonders for me.


  • On Friday night of a very hectic week when I reached home I was in lot of pain, all my joints were paining, I was getting backache if I tried to bend, I was feeling exhausted. I was having body pain specially joint pain since 2-3 days but I was ignoring it and that day also I initially ignored it because generally by the time Friday comes I am completely exhausted; but then the pain became almost unbearable, even lying down on bed was painful, I started getting cold shivers and that’s when I thought that something is wrong. I checked my body temperature and it was little less than 100 (99 point something), that is when I called Dr. Jyotika for help.She asked me to take some tissue salts, to make some solutions of those salts. My health was so bad, going to the kitchen to get water for solution itself was a very painful task. It required lot of strength to even get up. My thighs would pain when I walked. During the night I had to use the restroom quite a number of times therefore did not get sleep at a stretch but next morning(Saturday) when I got up my fever was completely gone, body ache from joints was gone, I just had some fatigue, little headache and little bit mild pain here and there. I again called Dr. Jyotika and she adjusted the salts, Sunday morning even the headache was gone, just some fatigue and  mild pain in left ankle tendon. Sunday morning Dr Jyotika again adjusted the salts and their potencies and Monday morning I went to office as if nothing had happened J infact I was more energetic as compared to my usual Monday morning. All this without taking any allopathic medicine, I only took tissue salts, no other medicine.


  • Since last few months my eyes were not looking healthy. I had lots of wrinkles around them with dryness, itching and dark circles. I started taking BC16 and Calc Fluor 6x as prescribed by Dr Jyotika. Results started showing up from the 3rd day. Now on the 4th day my eyes are looking much healthier, no dryness, itching and wrinkles are less. I am positive about the treatment. Thank you so much for the medicines.

Give your body what it requires to repair, heal and function at its best

Consult Dr Jyotika Gupta for Tissue Salts!

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