Healing and Counselling Sessions
"Peace Love Light
Truth Wisdom Awareness
Abundance Bliss Joy
to All!"
-Dr Jyotika Gupta

Holistic Healing Session
These sessions help to identify and heal the cause of your issue at all levels: Body-Mind-Soul. Dr Jyotika with her vast experience, wisdom, skill and expertise in various healing modalities helps you uncover and understand the hidden metaphysical reasons behind your issue and what you can do to heal yourself. A holistic self healing plan is designed for you based on your unique circumstances abilities and choices to heal and manage all aspects of the issue effectively. These sessions aim at restoring balance & well being in all aspects of your life ie. physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, social, relationships, family, work, etc.
All issues that you face in material world are just superficial manifestations of deeper issues rooted in your subconscious mind. To completely heal from any issue you need to go within, identify and clear the inner blockages. All answers and solutions you are seeking are within you. These sessions help you connect with you and gain clarity. Every situation in your life is there for a reason and these sessions help you discover the higher wisdom and your gift hidden within the situation. Dr Jyotika not only facilitates you in your healing, but also empowers you to overcome all challenges and create the life you desire!
60 USD per hour for Outside India
Online / In-person
Rs 3000/- per hour

Access Consciousness Session
This session involves use of powerful Verbal Processes, Questions and various other tools of Access Consciousness to go beyond the limitations of mind and clear anything that is blocking you from creating the reality that you know is possible. It helps you access your higher consciousness and operate as the Infinite Being You Truly Are. Allowing everything to come to you with Ease Joy & Glory!
How does it work? Much of what we would like to change is not cognitive or logical. It is created and held energetically across lifetimes dimensions and realities. When you ask a question or think about something that is limiting you or not working for you, then that energy comes up. When the energy comes up, we run the verbal processes which clear limitations from its point of origin that maybe many lifetimes/ generations back. As these limitations get cleared, you have a whole lot more space from which to create anything you choose! The beauty, magic and potency of these Access Consciousness Tools & Processes is its capacity to clear the hidden stuff that you aren’t even aware of that is keeping you stuck! So, you don’t need to go through the pain, suffering and gory of reliving a situation to clear the charge on it! How does it get better than that?
120 USD for Outside India
Online / In-person
Rs 6000/- (1.5 hour)

Entity Clearing Session
This session involves clearing issues with entities using Access Consciousness tools. In this we clear any myths, lies, misconceptions about entities you have imbibed that are keeping you in fear and at the effect of entities. We check for presence of different kind of entities and clear them with simple powerful tools of Access Consciousness and also address any specific concerns you may be having related to entities. This session not only clears any unhealthy attachments you have but also empowers you to be the most dominant entity in your universe. So that you are able to live your life with the awareness that Your Being Is Greater Than Everything!
150 USD for Outside India
Online / In-person
Rs 7500/- (1.5-2hrs)

Energetic Body Work
Symphony Of Possibilities (SOP)

Chakra Readings
7 Major Chakra Reading
General Chakra Reading
Issue Specific Chakra Reading
Relationship Chakra Reading
Marriage Alliance Chakra Reading
House Chakra Reading
Company/ Organization Chakra Reading
Decision Making Guidance
Karmic Reading
Core Issue Reading

Tarot / Angel Card Readings
Tarot - Angel General Guidance
Tarot Life Path Reading
Decision Making Guidance
Love- Relationships - Exes - Marriage Reading
Parenting Guidance
Money - Career - Finances Reading
Health Reading
Life Purpose Reading
Wheel of Life Reading
Birthday Reading
New Year & 12 months Reading
Twin Flames Reading

Family Constellation & Systemic Healing
Private One to One Session​
Family Constellation is a powerful healing method to heal the soul of a family and restore free flow of love within the family system across generations. Many of our behavior patterns and issues are due to unconscious entanglements with pain , trauma, struggles and experiences of our family members, ancestors, past lovers or partners, significant people in our or our ancestors life. Addressing issues via constellations help uncover the hidden truths and unhealthy entanglements, release pent up pain and convert entanglements into true connections. This allows divine love to flow freely within the system and nourish all members. It enables you to receive love support and blessings of your ancestors in the journey of life. The Essence of family constellation work lies in ‘Acknowledging the Truth -As It Is’!! and remaining open to any outcome that naturally flows out of the all knowing field- divine matrix.
Healing Your Bio-energetic Field with Frequencies delivered via the Quantum Field.

Consult Dr Jyotika For:
Healing any issue in life holistically (Body-Mind-Soul)
Metaphysical insights into causes of health issues
Holistic Approach to Chronic Pain Management
Fibromyalgia Healing & Recovery with Ease
Body Healing- Energetic Body Processes
Relationship Healing- Spiritual Counseling
Marriage Alliance Counseling
Family and Ancestral Healing
Financial Healing- Creating Abundance
Metaphysical Solutions to Organization Issues
Emotional & Mental Healing and Empowerment
Inner Child Healing
Past Life Healing
Entity Clearings
Space Energy Management
Decision Making Guidance
All SESSIONS with Dr Jyotika Gupta
Online / In-Person Sessions
Holistic Healing Consultation
Access Consciousness Session
Entity Clearing Session
Symphony Of Possibilities Session
In-Person Sessions
Session Timings:
Monday to Friday: 11am to 5pm IST
Sat-Sun: As per availability
Online Sessions via:
Whatsapp video call / Zoom
Book Your Session:
Call us @ 9828229391
Between 5-6 pm IST, Monday to Friday
Prior booking required!