Online / In-person
Duration: 12 hours
Online Class is done over 6 days (2 hrs per day)
In-person class done in 2 days
Charges: Rs 15,000/- (300usd for outside India) Repeater: Rs 5000/- (100usd for outside India)
For In-person Class add venue charges Rs 1000/- per day
Manual and Certificate is provided
Facilitator: Dr Jyotika Gupta
Empower Yourself for Emotional Wellness!

Do you know that your emotional sensitivity is your biggest strength?
Have you ever been judged as too sensitive and emotionally weak because you are emotionally expressive?
Do you find it difficult to express your feelings and suffer silently?
Are you going through emotional pain and don't have anyone who would understand?
Do past traumas still bring up pain and suffering?
Do you spend most of your energy in denying, repressing, suppressing your feelings
and ultimately blast off in unhealthy ways?
Do you feel you require emotional healing but can't open up to any counsellor?
EET (Emotional Empowerment Technique) is the perfect healing tool for you if you said yes to any one of the above questions! It is a simple and effective way of taking charge of your emotional well being and also helping others heal from emotional pain. You can help your children with it and it can also be done for a person in distress from far. You don't have to open up to any other person and risk being judged by them for what you feel. EET will empower you to heal and neutralize uncomfortable emotions effectively and deal with the deeper cause of issues in life, Yourself!!
The Workshop includes:
How to do EET step by step
Practicing EET with other participants
Using EET for Self Healing
Case Demonstrations
How to reach the core issue of any problem by different methods
Knowledge about Body Syndromes
How to help a child or distant person with Astral EET
How EET can help in overcoming cravings, aversions & allergies
How EET can help in overcoming fears and phobias
Other applications of EET
By the end of this workshop you will be able to help yourself and others neutralize any undesirable emotions and heal from past trauma. Take your emotional wellbeing in your hands!
Online / In-person
Duration: 3 hours
Charges: INR 3000/- (50 USD)
For In-person class add Venue Charges Rs 500/-
Facilitator: Dr Jyotika Gupta
Gain access to your own Inner GPS to make conscious choices and navigate this reality with Ease Joy & Glory!

Do you know you have an Inner GPS to guide you?
Would you like to take directions from your Inner GPS instead of depending upon others to tell you what to choose and what will work for you?
Would you like to make Conscious Choices?
Light / Heavy is an consciousness tool given by Gary Douglas the founder of Access Consciousness.
It helps you gain access to your inner GPS that is constantly guiding you to make choices with ease. This workshop is about knowing how this GPS works and how you can apply this light/ heavy tool in different areas of your life to know- What will work for you? What is true for you and What is a lie? How to find your way out from any situation where you feel stuck? How to make choices that will create the change you desire & everything else you know should be possible?
Would you be willing to allow your awareness and consciousness to guide you?
Would you like to open up to the Adventure & Joy of a new way of living?
Would you like to have success with ease?
Would you like to have a reality where your body & everything in this universe gives you information and contributes to you in magical ways?
Are you willing to Know and Trust What YOU KNOW?
Join us to learn a new and easy way of making choices that truly work for you!
A different perspective on ADD, ADHD, OCD & AUTISM
Online / In-person
Duration: 3.5 hours
Charges: INR 4500/- (75 USD)
For In-person class add Venue Charges Rs 500/-
Facilitator: Dr Jyotika Gupta
A Class based on the Book...
Would you Teach A fish To Climb A Tree?
by Anne Maxwell, Gary Douglas & Dr Dain Heer
What if many of the labels of so-called disabilities – such as Autism, OCD, ADD and ADHD – are not disabilities at all? What if they are the evolution of human species?
Would you like to explore a new way of being & functiontioning on planet earth by engaging with these beautiful beings?

What if there's nothing wrong with these kids?
What if they are just Different?
What if Different Is Different: Not Right, Not Wrong- Just Different?
What have you been told about these labels?
What do You Actually Know About These Kids?
What if there is nothing wrong that needs to be fixed?
What if their difference is a Gift and Possibility this world requires?
These kids / adults function in a very different way, they perceive things differently, they process information differently and have huge awareness, they operate from higher consciousness and have some extreme abilities which we are not able to see when we are busy trying to make them fit in our reality. The Truth Is that- We need to step up and find out how they learn, instead of trying to teach them using methods that might have worked for us but definitely don't work for them.
What if we could see what they see, Rather than try to get them to see what we see?
What change could that create?
What If Your Children Are PERFECT even if they have ADD, ADHD, OCD, Autism or Something Else going on?
What if they could be seen as who they are, not as who they aren't?
"Everybody Is a Genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid" - Albert Einstein
Would you be willing to drop the labels and go beyond the judgements, limitations, wrongness, need to fix attitude and have genuine connection with these brilliant beings, be totally present with them and have a glimpse of their world? Join us for this Intro Class!