Healing of an individual and family across generations

Family Constellations is a powerful therapeutic method to heal the soul of a family and restore free flow of love within a family system across generations. It was originally developed by a German therapist Mr. Bert Hellinger.
The word ‘Constellation’ means- A group of stars forming a recognizable pattern. In a constellation, each star has its unique position and relation with other stars. Similarly, Family is a group of individuals sharing the same energy field across generations. Each member of the family has its unique placement in this field and in relation with other members. This family energy field, also referred to as the ‘family soul’ is embedded within the universal energy field called the divine matrix. Each family system has a certain order and unspoken rules which govern its dynamics. Divine love flowing from divine matrix into the family soul nurtures and maintains each and every individual of the family across generations. It is seen that love flows freely within a family system when its order and rules are respected by all members.
The good and bad deeds done by our ancestors, us or any member of our family gets embedded in the family energy field and positively or negatively affect all the members across generations. The negative energy of trauma, abuse, negative thoughts, emotions, deeds of members are secretly held embedded in the field and cause imbalance in the entire system. Every member of the family unconsciously tries to balance this field out of love and in this process becomes entangled with pain of ancestors and family members. Thus unhealthy patterns are repeated over generations an members keep living the life of people who came earlier. This violates the order and laws within the family system and blocks free flow of love into the family soul, thus creating suffering for all. The behavior, feelings, attitudes and well being of an individual are governed by his entanglement with the family system, which he is not even aware of consciously.
The process of family constellation uncovers any destructive family dynamics that maybe lying beneath the surface. It brings the unconscious patterns to conscious awareness, so that they do not control an individual anymore. It helps the individual to move from entanglement to true connection and alignment. It allows spiritual consciousness to come up through the family consciousness, and restore free flow of love within the family’s soul.
The Essence of family constellation work lies in ‘Acknowledging the Truth -As It Is’

Experiential Workshops Private Sessions Group Sessions Introductory Workshops
One has to experience a family constellation to be able to appreciate its value. Family Constellations are usually done with a group of people but can be done in individual sessions. People across the world have been benefited by family constellation method, but its founder Bert Hellinger still considers it as an experimental and experiential method. Emphasis is on experiencing instead of understanding. Broad idea of what happens in a family constellation workshop with group of people is given below.
You can play three roles in a Family or Systemic Constellation workshop:
Client: person who’s family constellation is set up
Representative: person who represents a family member of client
Observer: person who just watches from outside (not picked up as a representative)
What happens in a constellation workshop?
* First the facilitator talks with the client, to establish the issue which brought him to family constellation, getting the details of family and any important event in history.
* Then the client chooses people from the group to represent each member of his family. A person can refuse to play that role if he does not feel up to it.
* Then the constellation is set – Client intuitively places the representatives in spatial and directional positions that represent their relationship with each other. As this is done, the constellation emerges and an autonomous energy field/matrix is created. Once this is done, the client sits among the observers and watches the matrix unfold ‘what is’.
* Then process takes over and guides the representative to shift positions, express their feelings. The facilitator occasionally intervenes but not always to facilitate the unfolding of truth. When the constellation reaches a resolution, client is put in the place of his representative. As he takes this new position, there is rewiring of neuropathways due to this new experience. This new perception sets the stage for manifesting the new reality in his life.
* Finally, the client thanks each representative and frees them from playing the role of his family members. Client is then given time in solitude to integrate the experience in their own way.
Usually it is possible to conduct 3 to 4 family constellations in a day.
Benefits of experiencing family constellation:
For Client: There could be three possible benefits for the client - Acknowledgement of ‘what is’ / direction to a possible solution / the resolution itself
For Representatives: The role that a representative gets to play somewhere resonates with his story and experiencing it heals something in him & can give great insight into his own life
For Observers: The mere act of witnessing someone else’s family constellation and being present to what is happening in front of him has the power to bring internal shifts in him in areas where he has found himself stuck for long.
*Family Constellations
*Systemic Constelations
*Inner Structure Constellations
*Organizational Constellations
*Karmic Constellations
Constellations can be done for almost any issue you are facing, mostly it is done for....
Family, Ancestral & Transgenerational Healing
Any unhealthy/ unusual patterns running in family accross generations
Relationship healing accross lifetimes
Inner Child Healing
Freedom from Oaths Vows Curses
Financial Issues / unhealthy repititive patterns around money
Ancestral property disputes energetic resolution
Health Issues- Physical , Mental
Closure with loved ones who have died
Getting Closure after breakups / Ghosting
Children-Parenting Issues
Company/ Organization Issues resolution
Claiming your highest potential , confidence , success
and many more.....
In-person / Online
PRIVATE (one to one) OR GROUP Sessions
How to get your constellation done? STEPS
1) Confirm your booking by depositing the fee
2) Fill up and submit a family questionnaire
3) Preparatory Session: Short session of 30mins via phone before the constelation. Which includes discussion on your family tree, what you would like to address via constellation, getting into the right mindset for constellation work etc
4) The Constellation Session: For online session, instructions for things and setup required will be given in preparatory session

Family Constellation & Systemic Healing work is best done with a group of people! However, we do not get the luxury of having a group every time for healing. Moreover, if you are not comfortable in addressing your issues in a group setting and privacy is a concern for you. You can take a private session of Family Constellation with Dr Jyotika Gupta. This is done with the help of paper and objects instead of people as representatives hence it requires greater participation from you and facilitator. Benefits: Besides privacy another benefit of a private constellation is that you get more personalized time for discussion and understanding what came up in your constellation. Duration: 2-4 hours Charges: Rs 11,000/- (all inclusive)
For sessions outside our centre, additional venue charges!
If you would like to have a constellation session with people as representatives (best way) then group sessions can be organized with people willing to participate as representatives in your constellation. Group sessions are done with fine mix of objects and people as representatives and we do get time to discuss your constellation.
Minimum 8-10 people are required for a group constellation.
Duration: Approx 2hrs, Charges: Client: Rs 8500/- Participant: Rs 1100/- (all inclusive charges)
For sessions outside our centre, additional venue charges!
“The greater soul moves in only one direction, and that is to bring into union that which has been made separate”
– Bert Hellinger
(Founder Family Constellation & Systemic Healing)
