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Freedom from pain and suffering

Water Droplets

"God Grant  me

The Courage to Change the things that I Can

The Serenity to Accept the things I cannot change

and the Wisdom to know the difference"

Do you have Fibromyalgia?

Are you fed up with the pain and suffering?

Do you wonder- what happened to my body? How did I land up in this miserable state?

Where did my energy go? Why my will power doesn’t help me do even the tiniest things?

Do you have a voice within you that screams- Cure must be possible!

Are you desperate to have your normal life back?

Are you willing to do anything in your capacity to recover completely?

Do you feel- no one understands your condition & what you are going through?

Are you fed up of everyone telling you different things that either don’t work or you don’t have the energy to do them?


Believe me, I UNDERSTAND my dear friend !

I have been there, experienced it, suffered, struggled, wondered, worked on myself step by step and came out of the nightmare. I was diagnosed with Severe Generalized Fibromyalgia, my whole life came to standstill. I just could not accept that I will have to live a life of pain and suffering confined to my bed most of the time. I was a medical doctor- Anaesthetist, people considered specialist in pain management, I was a qualified experienced healer with soo many healing techniques at my disposal. I had strong will power, dedication and never shied away from hard work or facing the truth no matter how painful, I had the courage to look at the ugliest wound and heal it, But this was just too… much to bear or deal. Specially when you just cant find the energy to even open your eyes, nod your head, utter a word or lift a finger at times and your brain just freezes, stops functioning, goes into what is called brain-fag. All that I was going through was beyond anything I could bear or understand. Nothing made sense. At times I thought I will go crazy, I couldn’t bear the pain, It seemed only death could free me.  What is going on?? The Doctor, The Healer within me were clueless. I wondered why am I even alive? Why nothing seems to work , even painkillers did not relieve the pain of fibromyalgia. This cant be happening to me!!!

Story is long but of victory. Honestly I didn’t know whether I would ever be able to get free and have a normal life. But I never gave up and kept working on what was in front of me, with whatever tools and wisdom I had and with whatever energy I had at any given time. It took me 6 yrs to recover completely. I achieved complete cure in October 2017 and since then there has been no relapse till now even when going through challenging stressful times. I am living a great life doing all that I always cherished, on my soul path.


So My Friends, If I can achieve it So can You!

It took me 6yrs with the tools I had at that time. With advanced healing techniques available now, I am confidant that you can do it faster! You don’t need to suffer.





I would love to share my wisdom, skills, experience and secrets to recovery with you. Please don’t suffer, don’t give up. Reach out to me, I am just a call away! I will do my best to contribute to your healing, recovery and success.


Dr Jyotika Gupta

Holistic Doctor



Road to Recovery!

Every fibromyalgia person is unique, with their unique challenges, circumstances and abilities So each will have a unique path to recovery and will take his/her own time to recover.



First session of Biochemic Tissue Remedies- 30 mins online consultation FREE



Number of sessions: Total 8 sessions of 1.5 to 2 hours each

Package Duration: All sessions to be completed within 2 months

Frequency of sessions: As per your convenience. However, one session a week suggested.


What will be addressed in these sessions?

  • First Session: Introduction

Getting to know the severity of your condition, your present challenges, medical history, associated diseases, recent investigations, treatment history, coping strategies you are using and their efficacy, other details you would like to share about your condition. Getting in the right mindset for complete recovery and Biochemic Tissue Remedies prescription.

  • Second Session: Taking charge of your recovery in your own hands

Understanding what Fibromyalgia exactly is , where you are at present, what is required for recovery, what are the Do’s & Dont’s in this journey? Knowing the key factor & secret for recovery. Understanding the Road Map to get out of this situation and achieve complete and permanent recovery. Preparing the toolkit to manage this yourself- Being in the driver’s seat. Designing a Self Healing plan unique to your complaints, circumstances and abilities.

  • Third Session: Mind healing

Understanding the subconscious reasons of why you have fibromyalgia, getting to the root cause and what thoughts & emotions can help you get out of it. Identifying the past traumas that led to this condition and how you can heal them completely.

  • Fourth Session: Consciousness Tools

These tools help you to break free from Pain and suffering and not just get back your normal life but create the life you desire with Ease Joy and Glory!

  • Fifth Session: Body Healing

Specific body work required to heal, repair and strengthen your physical body

  • Sixth Session: Entity Clearing

Checking the involvement of any entity in creation and maintenance of fibromyalgia for you and clearing them and their imprints from your system. Checking for presence of other entities and clearing them if present.

  • Seventh Session: Additional Healing Tools

These tools help you to manage day to day challenges with ease and minimum effort- includes Healing Codes, Switch words, Energy circles, Acupressure points etc.

  • Eighth Session: Soul healing

Understand the soul purpose behind you choosing to experience fibromyalgia. What is your karmic backlog, karmic learning and karmic gift from this disease. Few simple meditations you can use to recharge yourself with ease based on what you are able to do at present. Get on your divine life path with ease.


Charges: Rs 40000/- (600usd for outside India)

(original monetary value of all these sessions taken separately is far more)



You can choose any of our services and sessions to help you in your healing journey



BOOK YOUR SESSION                                                  

Call us @ 9828229391

Between 5-6pm IST Monday to Friday

Prior booking required!

Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional!

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