Holistic Approach to Healing Mouth Gums and Teeth
Infinite Possibilities for
Being Conscious with
Your Dental Health!

Did you know that Up to 80% of disorders and diseases in the body can be traced to issues in the mouth?
Mouth is the gateway to your body. If your teeth and mouth are not taken care of properly, they can contaminate the rest of your body. The condition of your teeth and gums is a good indicator of overall health of your body. Mouth is a place where millions of energies of undigested experiences accross lifetimes get stuck. Deep rooted mental & emotional traumas, suppressed emotions, negative thoughts, long standing unresolved conflicts lead to creation of issues in the mouth, Specially - around making choices, inability to back up your decisions, judgements, doubt, fear, trauma, not moving forward with life etc. Issues in the mouth are a representation of what is going on within you at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. When you begin to clear the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic blockages in mouth, the health of your whole body improves and you experience positive shifts in different areas of your life. For the health of your mouth , gums & teeth we offer 2 types of sessions: Happy Mouth Sessions & Holistic Dentistry Sessions. These sessions are not meant to be a substitute for regular dental care and visit to your dentist. They are intended to compliment your dental treatment and work at healing the issue at energetic & subconscious mind level.
HAPPY MOUTH: Activate the Generative & Restorative Capacity of your mouth, gums & teeth by activating some points on your head and hands-on energetic processes of Happy Mouth System of Healing.
HOLISTIC DENTISTRY: Identify the subconscious causes and energetic blockages creating issues in your mouth, gums & teeth and Heal them Holistically ie. body, mind, soul, energy, chakras and consciousness.
Generative and Restorative Energetic Systems for Healing
What would it be like to consciously regrow missing teeth, gum tissue, and bone structures?
What about regenerating your TMJ structures?
Is it possible to have plaque and calculus NOT buildup on your teeth?
Modern dentistry says these things are impossible—is that the truth or is it a big fat lie?
What are the infinite possibilities with dental health that we have’nt explored?
Want to hear more and start generating?
ORIGIN of Happy Mouth
Twenty years ago, a dentist in the USA wondered if something else might be possible in dentistry apart from the routine
"Drill, Fill & Bill" approach he learned in dental school. He wondered - If the body is constantly renewing skin cells and bone tissue, if it can regenerate the liver, for example, then what else might be possible? Regrow teeth? No more decay or gum disease? What if gums didn't have to recede with age? That dentist is Dr Tom Kolso, and his system of healing is called Happy Mouth™- Generative & Restorative Energetic Systems for Healing.
He found that our body is designed to regrow teeth, gums and bone naturally and it also has inherent systems in place to deal with decay, plaque, broken or chipped teeth and ageing. But these systems are not working for most people at present. Happy Mouth is about activating those dormant systems through gentle finger-tip stimulation of points on the head, hands-on processes and verbal clearings. Dr. Tom has been practicing dentistry for more than 20 years now and takes Happy Mouth classes all over the world.
ABOUT Happy Mouth™
Happy Mouth is an energetic system of healing that activates the generative and restorative capacities of your body.
It includes activation of certain specific points on head, hands-on energetic body processes and powerful verbal clearings for generation and restoration of tissues & structures in mouth.
*Activation of points on head by finger tips:
This activates physical systems in the body to take care of the gums, rebuild broken or chipped teeth, grow new teeth, saliva, lymph, bone and more. Each point has a specific purpose. There are points specific for Gums & Teeth restoration regeneration TMJ restoration & generation, Salivary glands health, Bone & Lymph health restoration, Hair, Youthening, Awareness & Insight activation etc. These also help the body to receive and respond appropriately and maintain balance. There are about 17 points and only few points are activated in one go. Once activated you dont need to activate them again- Its done! However you can activate them again if you wish to. In order to fully activate the systems the points need to be stimulated every day for 21 consecutive days, and this is what a certified Happy Mouth practitioner offers.
*Gentle hands on processes:
Happy Mouth has specific hands-on body processes for things like clenching and grinding, TMJ problems, plaque clearing, tooth bud activation, gum health, nerve regeneration etc.
*Verbal Clearings:
Happy Mouth also has some verbal processes to clear the energetic blockages and disease energy. These are done with hands on processes to increase the efficacy.
For more information about Dr Tom, Happy Mouth & Classes visit: https://yourhappymouth.com/about/
SESSIONS Of Happy Mouth
Dr Jyotika Gupta (Certified Happy Mouth Practitioner)
In order to fully activate all the systems in the body to regrow or heal gums, bone or to activate tooth buds to grow new teeth, it's required to have 21 activations, one each day for 21 days. The process will also include clearings and verbal processes. It's simply a waste of time and money to not have the 21 day activations. There are some other hands-on processes in Happy Mouth and these do not require 21 days of activation.
How to take Happy Mouth Sessions?
To get your Happy Mouth sessions call us and book your session.
The first session is an introduction session In which Dr Jyotika will listen to all the issues you are having, what treatments you have taken in past and other medical details. Then she will discuss with you what all is required to be done for your healing. She will also inform you about the subconscious metaphysical reasons behind your mouth issues and what you can do to heal yourself. After discussion a healing plan will be prepared about what will be done in next 21 days. Some Instructions about mouth cleaning and other healing aids will be explained to you so that you can also contribute in getting best results. After the introduction session the 21 days Happy Mouth sessions can be started as per mutual convenience. These sessions have to be taken daily for 21days without missing any day.
Introduction session: Rs 1000/- per hour (approx time 1-1.5hrs)
It can be taken online / In-person
Happy Mouth 21 sessions:
Your physical presence is required for happy mouth sessions.Charges are customized as per requirements in your case and duration of each session. We have 3 types of Happy Mouth Packages for you to choose from...
1) BASIC Happy Mouth Package: 21 Sessions
Basic Happy Mouth Points Activation (6 points) : Daily sessions of 30mins for 21 days
2) CUSTOM Happy Mouth Package: 21 Sessions
Any 6-8 Points Activation you require + Verbal Clearings + Happy Mouth Processes you require
Daily sessions of 1 hour for 21 days
Rs 65000/-
3) COMPLETE Happy Mouth Package: 63 Sessions in 3 months
(3 sets of 21 sessions ; one set each month)
All Happy Mouth Points Activation + Verbal Clearings + Any Happy Mouth Processes you require
Each Month- Daily Sessions of 30-45mins for 21 days
Rs1,51000/- (monthly payment plan availabe Rs 55k per month)
Book Your Session:
Call us @ 9828229391
Between 5-6 pm IST, Monday to Friday
Prior booking required!

Dr Jyotika Gupta is a Holistic Doctor with more than 25yrs of experience in Holistic Heath Care & Healing. By training she is an Allopathic Doctor adept in various healing modalities like- Access Consciousness, Symphony of Possibilities, Aura Analysis, Chakra healing, Soul Talk & Entity Clearing, Family Constellations & Ancestral healing, Clinical Hypnotherapy & Past Life Regression therapy, Acupressure, Tissue Remedies & more... She employs an Integrated Approach (body-mind- soul) to deal with any issue in body/ life. She specializes in diagnosing & healing the hidden metaphysical causes of diseases & has successfully applied Holistic Healing Techniques to heal issues in mouth, gums & teeth.

Holistic Dentistry
Dr Jyotika Gupta
Begin Your Healing!
INTRO SESSION: Online / In-person
The First Session will be a Holistic Healing Session aimed at Understanding your Issue in detail & how it is affecting different areas of your life, What Outcome do you desire, Assessing your present situation, What Challenges you are facing in resolving your issue, What Coping measures/ treatment have you used until now and its efficacy, Setting realistic goals for therapy, Developing a customized Holistic Healing Plan for You and Getting Started with Your Healing!
Charges: Rs 3000/- per hour
Duration 2-3 hours approximately
These are based on your unique healing requirements. Customized packages can be designed for your specific needs and convinience.

Get in Touch
Mobile: +91-9828229391
Email: healingpresence4u@gmail.com
**Medical Disclaimer - The information on this site, in classes and in sessions are provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-dentist/ doctor relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical-dental diagnosis and treatment. Please consult your medical/ dental health care provider, before making any medical/ dental decisions or for guidance about a specific medical/ dental condition. Happy Mouth™/ Healing Presence/ Dr Jyotika Gupta expressly disclaims responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance on the information contained in this site or in classes or sessions. Because energy work is received in different ways by different people – we cannot guarantee results.