Specially Customized For You!

Your Guide

Holistic Doctor
Commitment to your healing and wellness
Healing your issue in a systematic manner
In-depth exploration and healing of your issue at various levels : body-mind-soul-energy-consciousness
Fine mix of different healing modalities-whatever you require
Remaining focussed on your healing amidst life's madness
Focus on healing a specific issue and not getting scattered by different challenges that show up in daily life
Having a Coach/ Mentor to guide and support you in your healing journey- you dont have to do it all by yourself!
Having someone who does not let you give up or stop in tracks or settle for less when things get tough
Higher chances of success and achieving great shifts in multiple areas of life by having accountability
More change in less time
Generous discount on all sessions​!
When you cannot take out time for healing
When you are already engaged in multiple courses or activities and cannot focus on your healing
When you dont feel ready to address deeper issues
When you are comfortable with your issues and are more interested in coping rather than changing your life
When you are not willing to look within and take required actions to create the change you desire
When you are not willing to invest money in your wellness or the package prices seem too much
When you dont trust your guide or cannot take her advice or experience an inner resistance to work as a team with her
If 6 weeks/ 3months feel a very long time to commit to healing your issues
If packages give you a sense of being bound / trapped
When you would like to go slow and free flow with your healing rather than setting goals and challenging yourself to achieve them

6 Sessions, One Session every week for six weeks
Package Price: Rs 35000/-
Actual price: If these sessions are taken separately would be Rs 41,000+
You Save Rs 6000/- (15%) in this package.
What is included in 6 Weeks Healing Package?
3 Holistic Healing Sessions (2hrs each)
2 Access Consciousness Sessions (1.5hrs each)
1 Constellation Session (2-3hrs)
Intro Session (2hrs Holistic): The First Session will be an Introduction session aimed at Understanding your Issue in detail & how it is affecting different areas of your life, What Outcome do you desire, Assessing your present situation, What Challenges you are facing in resolving your issue, What Coping measures/ treatment have you used until now and its efficacy, Setting realistic goals for therapy, Developing a customized Holistic Healing Plan for You and Getting Started with Your Healing!
Holistic Healing Sessions (2hrs): These sessions will incorporate a fine mix of one or more of these healing modalities as required for you, to diagnose /identify the subtle hidden causes of your issue and heal them at the level of Body-Mind-Energy. Modalities included here are- Holistic Healing & Counseling / Chakra Reading / Tarot-Angel Guidance/ Biochemic Tissue Remedies/ Acupressure-Sujok / Healing Affirmations / Emotional Healing & Empowerment Technique/ Clinical Hypnotherapy/ Past Life Regression/ Inner Child Healing/ Switch Words-Healing Codes-Energy Circles etc.
Access Consciousness Sessions (1.5hrs): In these sessions we will utilize one or more of the Access Consciousness Tools to clear the energy blockages, point of views, beliefs, energy imprints, implants, explants, entities that you have been carrying across lifetimes, dimensions and realities that are creating the limitations and the reality that you are experiencing at present and open you up to the infinite possibilities available to you, access the greatness of you, embody more consciousness and start functioning as the Infinite Being you truly are! Consciousness Tools used in these sessions are: Access BARS, Body Processes, Energetic Facelift, Symphony of Possibilities (SOP), Entity Clearings, Access Consciousness Verbal Clearings and other tools.
Constellation Session (2-3hrs): In this session we will address your issue at the Soul level via any type of Constellation that you require- Family/ Systemic/ Inner-Structure/ Karmic/ Organizational. This session helps in identifying and healing any Trans-generational patterns and blockages in the collective energy field that are contributing to the creation of your issue.
Most of the sessions can be taken Online, however for some sessions you may require to be physically present.

14 Sessions, One Session every week for three months
Package Price: Rs 77000/-
Actual price: If these sessions are taken separately would be Rs 91,000+
You Save Rs 14000/- (15%) in this package
2 parts payment option available: Rs 40,000/- each , 2nd installment before the 6th session
What is included in 3 Months Healing Package?
Intro Session
11 Healing Sessions
2 Review Sessions
Intro Session (2hrs)
The First Session will be an Introduction session aimed at Understanding your Issue in detail & how it is affecting different areas of your life, What Outcome do you desire, Assessing your present situation, What Challenges you are facing in resolving your issue, What Coping measures/ treatment have you used until now and its efficacy, Setting realistic goals for therapy, Developing a customized Holistic Healing Plan for You and Getting Started with Your Healing!
Healing Sessions (1.5-2hrs)
Holistic Healing Sessions (2hrs): These sessions will incorporate a fine mix of one or more of these healing modalities as required for you, to diagnose /identify the subtle hidden causes of your issue and heal them at the level of Body-Mind-Energy. Modalities included here are- Holistic Healing & Counseling / Chakra Reading / Biochemic Tissue Remedies/ Acupressure-Sujok / Healing Affirmations / Emotional Healing & Empowerment Technique/ Clinical Hypnotherapy/ Past Life Regression/ Inner Child Healing/ Switch Words-Healing Codes-Energy Circles etc.
Tarot-Angel Guidance Session (1.5hrs): Detailed In-depth Tarot Readings to gain spiritual insights and divine guidance for resolving the issue.
Access Consciousness Sessions (1.5hrs): In these sessions we will utilize one or more of the Access Consciousness Tools to clear the energy blockages, point of views, beliefs, energy imprints, implants, explants, entities that you have been carrying across lifetimes, dimensions and realities that are creating the limitations and the reality that you are experiencing at present and open you up to the infinite possibilities available to you, access the greatness of you, embody more consciousness and start functioning as the Infinite Being you truly are! Consciousness Tools used in these sessions are: Access BARS, Body Processes, Energetic Facelift, Symphony of Possibilities (SOP), Entity Clearings, Access Consciousness Verbal Clearings and other tools.
Constellation Session (2-3hrs): In these sessions we will address your issue at the Soul level via any type of Constellations that you require- Family/ Systemic/ Inner-Structure/ Karmic/ Organizational. These sessions helps in identifying and healing any Trans-generational patterns and blockages in the collective energy field that are contributing to the creation of your issue. This package includes 2 constellation sessions.
Review Sessions (1.5hrs)
The first review session will be after 6 weeks to assess the progress, acknowledge the shifts, any changes in what you desire, fresh assessment of the issue, review and update the Healing Plan based on the shifts.
The second review session will be done at the end, after completion of all healing sessions to acknowledge the shifts, how far you have come in your healing, what all has been resolved and how do you see the situation now, how empowered do you feel to handle your situation in a constructive manner and guidance for what you need to keep in mind or what you can do to take your healing further from here.
Most of the sessions can be taken Online, however for some sessions you may require to be physically present.

Holistic Healing for PAIN: 5 Sessions of 1.5hrs, Rs21500/- (350usd); 6 weeks validity
Relationship Healing: 5 Sessions of 1.5-2hrs, Rs25000/- (375usd); 6 weeks validity
Universal Surrogate Clearing: 3 Sessions of 1.5-2hrs, Rs15000/- (240usd); 1 week validity
Fibromyalgia Healing: 8 Sessions of 1.5-2hrs, Rs40000/- (600usd); 2 months validity

Get in Touch
Mobile: +91-9828229391
Email: healingpresence4u@gmail.com