Do you feel lack of inspiration and motivation in life?
Do you keep looking towards others to get inspired or motivated?
Are you totally confused about what inspiration and motivation exactly mean?
Have you given up and settled yourself in a routine mundane life without inspiration?
If yes, just read on....

The words Inspiration and Motivation are commonly used interchangeably by many people. However, there are major differences between these two words and feelings. Knowing the difference can bring great shifts in your life. You will not waste time wondering- How to get inspired or motivated?
Inspiration is something that leads you to do something fulfilling which may/ may not be productive as per worldly criteria. For example you may be inspired to learn music and in your busy life you constantly get inner reminders to join a class, even though learning music may not bring you any rewards or outwardly benefits but it will give you fulfilment.
Motivation is required to do something that you don’t care about/ feel like doing, but you feel or think you should do it, or it is necessary for you to do. For example, paying your monthly bills may be something you just don’t like but it is necessary and you’ll require motivation to take action in this regard (which maybe hiring a person for this work).
What are the differences?
* Inspiration comes from your core while Motivation is what you generate from mind.
* Inspiration is a pull that you feel from within to do something, whereas Motivation is a push that you give yourself to do something.
* You can understand Inspiration as - Being In Spirit, while Motivation as - Motive For Action
* Inspiration happens to you when you are in touch with your spirit whereas Motivation is something you have to actively gather.
* Inspiration is an Idea that Catches You and draws you towards where you are meant to be, while Motivation is an Idea that YOU Catch to take action.
* Inspiration is like an inner calling while Motivation is something that you should be doing/ it is good to do/ you are supposed to do but it means nothing to you.
* Inspiration is a passion that persists under all circumstances and gently nudges you, continually draws you in a direction, while Motivation fades off quickly and needs to be renewed from time to time.
Do we motivate & inspire ourselves or someone / something else does it for us?
Only You can inspire or motivate Yourself! No one else can do this for you. When you are ready to be inspired it happens to you. When you are looking for motivation, you find it.
How to overcome lack of inspiration & motivation?
Lack of motivation could be due to lack of energy and fitness also, but Lack of inspiration is when one is not aligned with one’s spirit.
To Motivate yourself you will have to find motive/ benefit/ reward in doing a particular thing. For example, if I pay my bills timely I wont have to pay penalty charges, I will have regular supply of water, electricity, internet etc... You will have to acknowledge and tell these benefits to yourself when you are procrastinating or avoiding taking required actions.
To get Inspired you will have to just connect with your spirit/ core/ soul and inspiration will come to you. You cannot force an inspiration, you just have to be open to receive it. Meditation is good way of connecting with your spirit.
My Message
In the end I would like to say that, there are some things in this world which just need to be done although we may not feel like doing them. In such cases don’t hide behind the excuse of lack of motivation, just get up, gather yourself and take the necessary actions. And, if you are lacking inspiration- take out time to connect with your core and let inspiration flow into you, know your passion, do those activities for which you feel internally guided. They will nourish your soul and bring fulfilment. Your Life will become worth living!
Dr Jyotika Gupta
Holistic Doctor