Words and numbers to manifest your desires

Switch Words
Healing Codes
What you Intend!
With Dr Jyotika Gupta
Online / In-person
Duration: 45mins to 1 hour
Charges: Rs 2100/- (50 USD outside India)
Get switch words, healing number codes and specific energy circles to manifest what you desire. In this session Dr Jyotika also explains how you can use them in different ways to get the best results with ease.
Call at 9828229391
Between 5-6pm IST Mon to Fri
Prior booking required!
Words have power! Every word that we say, hear influences our mind in some way. Switch words are specific words that can switch your energy to align it with what you desire and open you up to receiving that in your world. They are like one word affirmation or mantra that can switch your subconscious mind from failure to success, suffering to health, problem to solution. When two or more switch words are used together for a specific purpose, it is called a switch phrase.
Types of Switch words:
Master switch words are very powerful words that can be used alone or with other words to enhance the effect of those words
Universal switch words are those which have been found to have the same effect on majority of the population
Personal Switch Words are the words that successfully switch your energy and have a unique effect on you. They may not have the same influence on others.
Example of Switch Words:
-If you are stuck in traffic jam or getting late for a meeting or want to reach somewhere early chant ‘HALFWAY’ 28 times in one go as many times as you feel like.
-Chant ‘DIVINE-TOGETHER’ 28 times in one go, three or more times in a day for bringing positive shifts in any relationship

Numbers have their own vibration and we can use them for healing and creating what we desire. The human subconscious mind has been mapped and there are specific number codes for every body part, different diseases and life issues. Using these codes can help heal and create positive energy. These codes are said to have originated from a higher mathematics used by higher civilizations. Some people have got access to that consciousness and have downloaded and shared them with us. Simplest ones are the codes by Agaste, some advanced codes are used by people working in space research and there are other healing frequencies given by different researchers. We with our present level of consciousness may not be able understand how these codes work but we can use them and see the benefits for ourselves.
Example of Healing Codes:
-For deep restful sleep write ‘2820’ and for Stress relief write ‘52579’ on left side of your body with blue. You can also chant it 45 times in one go.
-For financial gains write 520 Hertz on your left forearm/ wrist/ hand with blue and look at it frequently throughout the day. You can also chant it “Five Two Zero Hertz” 45 times in one go.

Energy Circle is a circle created to accumulate a specific healing energy and send it to a distant person or place. It is one of the ways to broadcast the healing energy of Switch words and Healing codes to a person, place, thing, event or even to yourself. You can create energy circles for yourself or use some specific ones given by research bodies. There are many ways in which different energy circles can be used like hanging or pasting on wall, making energy sandwich, placing on table etc. You can draw them with your hand or create with a software or take printouts of readymade ones. You can also charge water and prepare healing water with energy circles. In your session Dr Jyotika will tell you how to create and use your energy circles with ease for best results.

Experience the Magic of Switch Words, Healing Codes and Energy Circles
Book Your Session with Dr Jyotika Gupta!