Duration: 13 hours
Class is done over 5 days (2-3 hrs each day)
Charges: Rs 12,500/- (Repeater: Rs 1100/- per day)
Manual and Certificate is provided
Facilitator: Dr Jyotika Gupta
Become an Angel Card Reader!
The Workshop Includes:
Introduction about angels and their hierarchy
Introduction to Archangels and their characteristics
Meditations to clear your chakras and open your higher senses to communicate with angels
Meditation to recognize your guardian angels
Understanding angel signs and the difference between messages from angels and ego
Recognizing your primary clair (higher sense) and how to activate your other clairs
How to choose Angel Card Deck for yourself
How to clear and take care of your angel cards
How to do readings for yourself and others
Practicing Angel card reading with other participants
Basic Card spreads & specific ones for health, abundance, relationships, life purpose, week, month, year reading
How to create your own spreads

What is Angel Card Reading?
Angel Card reading is a very good medium to communicate with angels, receive their messages and divine guidance regarding any situation. The word ‘Angel’ means messenger of God. They are celestial beings with supernatural powers. We find their mention in different religions across the world, some call them farishte, devas, devdoots etc. There are numerous angels, it is said that they are created by God’s loving thoughts for us. Each one of us has at least two guardian angels with us, from the time we are conceived in our mother’s womb. They are appointed by God to be with us, guide us, support us, help and protect us as we go through our life’s journey. They are always communicating with us, more intensely in difficult times and during crisis. But most of the times we ignore their signs/ messages and over the time our higher senses become dull and we are unable to communicate with them. Angel card help us get their messages and guidance easily. As we begin to do angel card readings regularly we restore our communication with angels.