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Transgenerational Systemic Healing

Online / In-person

Duration: 7.5 hours

In-person Class: 1 full day  (9am to 6pm); Or 2 half days

Online Class: 3 days (2.5 hours per day) via zoom


Charges:  Rs 7500/- (135usd for outside India) 

Repeater: Rs 3500/- (65usd for outside India)

For In-person class add Venue Charges Rs 1000/-


Facilitator: Dr Jyotika Gupta

(Family Constellation Facilitator)


The Workshop includes:

  • Introduction to Transgenerational Family Healing

  • What is systemic healing

  • Different types of constellations

  • Understanding Orders of Love & Entanglements

  • Benefits of constellation work & ancestral healing

  • How a family constellation is done

  • Making your family tree

  • Connecting with your ancestors & receiving love blessings and support from them

  • Sacred Trinity: Foundation of all relationships

  • Connecting with your Inner child- constellation

  • Inner Structure Constellation- experience


Family is a group of individuals sharing the same energy field across generations. This field/ matrix is called the soul of family. Thoughts emotions & deeds of any member alive or dead  gets embedded in the family energy field & affects everyone across generations.  Every member unconsciously tries to balance this field & out of blind love becomes entangled with the system. This creates congestion & blocks  in free flow of divine energy within the family system- causing suffering for all. Issues of an individual are largely rooted in their entanglement with the family system that they are not consciously aware. Family Constellation is a powerful method for healing the soul of a family and restoring free flow of love within the family system across generations.  It helps an individual to become aware of unhealthy entanglements with ancestors/ family members & convert these entanglements into true connection. 


(Please Note: This is not a training / certification workshop)

FC Experiential



Duration: 8 hours (1day)


Charges:  (all inclusive)

Client: Rs 8000/- ; Representative: Rs 4000/-

(for workshops outside Jaipur & other centres -additional venue charges)


Facilitator: Dr Jyotika Gupta

(Family Constellation Facilitator)


1) Willingness to Acknowledge the Truth ‘As It Is’

2) Being open to accept any outcome that naturally flows out of the divine matrix. Even if it challenges your comfort zone.


Before the workshop:

As a Client you need to fill up and submit a family questionnaire and have a pre- constellation session: 30mins short discussion with Dr Jyotika on your family tree and what you would like to address in the constellation. 



Family Constellation is a powerful healing method to heal the soul of a family and restore free flow of love within the family system across generations. It gives an opportunity to uncover and heal traumas hidden within the family field. Many of our behavior patterns and issues are due to unconscious entanglements with pain , trauma, struggles and experiences of our family members, ancestors, past lovers or partners, significant people in our or our ancestors life. Addressing issues via constellations help uncover the hidden truths and unhealthy entanglements, release pent up pain and convert entanglements into true connections. This allows divine love to flow freely within the system and nourish all members. It enables you to receive love support and blessings of your ancestors in the journey of life. One has to experience constellation to be able to appreciate its value & benefits and this workshop is dedicated to experiencing constellations.


Experience the Magic of Divine Matrix and

Deep soul healing of a family across generations!


What happens in a Family Constellation Experiential Workshop?




(Please Note: This workshop is to experience family constellation & systemic healing. It is not a training / certification workshop)

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